New Zealand Company Vehicle

How you can benefit from advertising in New Zealand Company Vehicle
New Zealand Company Vehicle reaches key people in fleet buying and management and presents key information to them in a concise, business-like manner. It gives you a cost effective means of reaching the fleet market, A market that accounts for a huge 80% of new vehicle sales in New Zealand.

Can you afford not to target this sector?
It is a magazine for business executives managing a vehicle fleet, not car enthusiasts, produced by a team who understand the needs of the fleet operator and aim to tailor the magazine to meet these needs. The readers are the executives responsible for managing the company’s fleet. In most companies this is a senior decision maker typically the General Manager or Financial Controller. New Zealand Company Vehicle reaches the operators of a large pool of existing vehicles who need parts, repairs and services.

The Magazine:
We now focus on our digital publishing via website, monthly newsletter and Social Media with several specialised digital issues each year such as our Ute Buyers Guide and NZSUV Guide

New Zealand Company Vehicle covers a range of topics of interest to the company vehicle buyer and manager. The magazine is a concise, regular reference on automobile matters. Articles are kept short and specific to give managers the information they need without having to wade through masses of material. The concurrent advertising by manufacturers, dealers and suppliers gives the reader a source for more detailed information if required.

Contents include:

  • News of interest to fleet managers including model changes, industry appointments and legislation.
  • Articles on new models, road tests and reviews of cars, vans and utilities.
  • A market review of a specific group of vehicles (vans for example).
  • A technically based or accessory feature, written to be understood by a fleet manager.
  • A fleet management feature.
  • Executive Car section:
  • Tests and news about executive cars (generally those with a list price of over $70,000 Inc GST) are grouped into this section

The Publisher and Managing Editor is Cathy Parker, who has been involved in the company and corporate vehicle market for more than 30 years. This included five years as operations manager for Fleetlease and its fleet management company Nafa Asset Management, running a fleet of 10,000 vehicles. Cathy has a BE (Hons) in mechanical engineering. The Automotive Group Sales Manager is Dan Prestige.

New Zealand Company Vehicle commenced publication in 1992, and is published by Adrenalin Publishing Limited, of Auckland, who also publish NZ4WD magazine, Motor Equipment News,and DEMM Engineering & Manufacturing.

Magazine Staff

Advertising Sales Manager Automotive Group

Dan is the Sales manager for the Automotive group titles.

  • 021 478 944

With over a decade of NZ Motoring experience, Dave is officially a motoring junkie. His pass times and hobbies include driving, writing and talking about vehicles and he’s often been found with his head under a bonnet or in a boot. He also comes with a keen interest in business and technology, provided they have a motoring bent.

  • 021 707 678