NZBusiness February 2021

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Survival tactics: The Covid war diaries
How hard-hit Kiwi businesses have triumphed during the worst global pandemic and economic downturn in living memory. We report on the stories and lessons of four now-thriving survivors

From Lebanon with love
The story behind Wellington’s Alamir Bakery is one of dedication to tradition, to an amazing Middle Eastern bond, and a shared family love for the business.

Leading by design
Founded by Mark Spurgeon and Michelle Shirtcliffe, Publica is a digital agency with design in its DNA and an attitude of undying optimism.

5 reasons why cryptocurrency makes business sense
 What makes bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies different? Why should they be on your business’s radar? Janine Grainger sheds some light on the subject.

Fiji’s perfect storm for investors
A number of factors have combined to make 2021 the ideal timing for investing in Fiji’s fast growing renewable energy sector.

Using your business’ purchasing power for good
 Businesses of all sizes are considering the impact their purchasing can have on the world around them. Is yours?

Claiming your 4 Superpowers
Kelly Samson explains how claiming your four core ‘superpowers’ leads to greater control of your life, and there’s no better time to claim them than right now.

Lessons born from adversity
Fiona Clark has been reviewing 2020 to extract the key lessons that business owners can successfully apply in 2021 in order to grow their business.

Optimising your home network
            Is outdated technology frustrating your work-from-home experience, or handicapping your home-based business? Bill Bennett explains what you need to do.

How to avoid digital disruption
Alex Garden shares three straightforward rules for eliminating stress and disruption  when your business is reliant on digital commerce and communication.